Tag Archives: bike

No Bike Lane – What Year Is This?

I am an avid bike rider – the pedal kind.  So, you can imagine how taken aback I was when Downtown Melbourne recently redid all the sidewalks, curbing, and planting beds, but forgot to put in bike lanes on New Haven Avenue.

As you can see above, the new planting beds extend right out into the traffic lane.  By the way, are those bike tire tracks on the curbing, right where the bike lane should be?

You know, in 2009 we’re supposed to be all health and environmentally conscious and stuff.  So where is the bike lane to accommodate those who bike for exercise, or are trying to save on gas?

To add insult to injury, here’s a brand new sign telling bike riders that they aren’t welcome on the sidewalks either.

Ironically, the downtown was much more accommodating to bike riders (the pedal kind) before the make-over.  There was enough room for cars and bikes to share the road before the monstrous planting beds were installed.